Home Planet:


Fesoan System

Class M


Hot dry world with little surface water


Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide


Gravity of 0.9g.

Life Forms:




Family Structure:


Political Structure:

Andorian society is still balkanized into a large number of governments. The Supreme Cooperative is a Mega-Cooperative dedicated to representing the Andorians to the Federation. However, it only represents about 30% of the Andorian population in any meaningful way. Like almost all Cooperatives, it is a mercantile effort, and while ethical and truthful in its dealings, it is dedicated to turning a profit. Before four hundred years ago, the largest social structures were the multi-cooperative walled cities that dot the southern and western coasts of Andor's more temperate continent. It has only been in the last several centuries that the notion of a government has been developed


Comparable to UFED

Life Expectancy:

Similar to Terrans


1.7 and 2.1 m


Similar to Terrans

Skin Color:


Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Other Features:

Pair of knobbed antennae extending from the sides of the crown of the head

Birth Methods:

The single most important feature of Andorian physiology is the complex reproductive mechanism. It can be said that Andorians explain the facts of life to their children in terms of the birds, the bees, the seahorses and the kangaroos. Yet for all its complexity, it is a tremendously efficient system - so efficient, in fact, that over-population has been a primary social problem throughout all recorded Andorian history.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine the sex of an Andorian child at birth, with the result that children are raised without different treatment accorded by gender. This is one reason why Andorian society is completely ambiarchal. The child's genital organs remain dormant until first puberty, which starts at the approximate age of 12 and is completed by the age of l5, when s/he begins the neuter phase of adulthood. At this time, the sex of the individual first becomes apparent. The male possesses a retractable penis, subcutaneous testes, a uterus and a semi-extensible vagina; the female possesses a uterus and vagina which ends in a retractable ovipositor, a ventral pouch, and six breasts - flat and dormant in the neuter phase and arranged in pairs from chest to abdomen.

Since the sexual activity of neuters does not result in pregnancy, it is given little social importance and is described by the word "play" or "amusement". Neuters are allowed, if not encouraged, to experiment sexually in any way that interests them and are restricted by no taboos whatever. A neuter may "play" with its brothers, sisters, other relatives, friends, enemies, strangers and livestock; nobody cares, unless the activity results in physical injury, which is then treated as a simple case of assault. Although passionate, emotional involvement can form between playing neuters - and are celebrated in story and song - they are not considered in the same category with attachment to one's true mate


Antennae are actually extensions of their sinus cavities, giving the Andorians a great sensitivity to minute variations in pressure and temperature. They also have an enormously enhanced sense of smell, and their visual acuity is also well above human standards

Due to the extreme density of bone and muscle tissue, the average Andorian is quite capable of lifting an object of twice his or her weight


Andorians are extremely disciplined, possessing a strong sense of duty and personal honor, and so they make excellent military officers. Though they are stoic and largely unsentimental, they do respect and revere family ties

Andorians are hard working and often feel uncomfortable when invited to pursue purely recreational activities or pastimes. Their curt refusals often make them seem prudish or unsociable, while in fact they simply don't have a strong cultural pragmatism for engaging in such activities


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