Home Planet:


Class M


Once rich in vegetation, slowly recovering


Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide

Life Forms:


Important Features:

Once a beautiful planet that was robbed of it's resources by the Cardassians



Family Structure:


A traditionally matriarchal society, Bajoran courtship is a practice not unlike those practiced on many other humanoid worlds. The courtship may culminate in the gift of a Pledge Bracelet, or the more binding Betrothal Bracelet to signal the next step in a couple's relationship. Many newlywed couples seek a Marriage Blessing from various notable religious figures, including the Emissary. After marriage, it is traditional practice for the male to assume the family name of the female. It is both common and widely accepted for Bajoran couples to choose to continue committed romantic relations without formal or legal marriage. It is common and preferable for most couples to undergo the Rite of Separation when it is mutually decided to discontinue a relationship


Nearly a century ago, the aggressive militaristic race of the Cardassians arrived, saying they wanted to help the native populace. There followed 60 years of Military Occupation and slavery for the Bajorans, in which well over 10 Million Bajorans were killed. The religion became their savior, uniting them against their enemy. Very quickly, small cells of resistance fighters appeared to strike back at the oppressors. Eventually the Cardassians withdrew but most of Bajor's mineral wealth had already been depleted.

Very soon after the Cardassians left, polluting the wells and destroying homes and even the sacred temples in the process, the Bajoran fractionalized and started to squabble over who would lead the free Bajor. The Provisional Government was formed from the chaos and asked the United Federation of Planets to send assistance, giving them the old Cardassian Mining Station in orbit as a base. The base, called Terok Nor by the Cardassians was named Deep Space Nine by the Federation and Cmdr. Benjamin Sisko sent to command it. As the prophesied Emissary, he was instrumental in the discovery of the Wormhole, or more properly referred to as the Celestial Temple of the Prophets. The role of Cmdr Sisko was to protect Bajor and the wormhole from the continuing actions of the Cardassians, and also prepare Bajor for fully joining the UFP.

Political Structure:

The Bajorans established a provisional government, and despite many difficulties they have been successful in overcoming their problems. In 2373 the Bajorans petition for Federation membership was accepted, but at the last moment they withdrew their application for religious reasons. The Bajoran government has remained politically neutral since this time.

Dominant religion of the planet dates back some ten thousand years, and is centered around worship of the aliens living within the Bajoran Wormhole - the Bajorans refer to these entities as 'The Prophets' and to the wormhole as the 'Celestial Temple'.

Bajorans can usually be seen wearing an earring on one of their ears. This wearing of silver earrings is a direct link to the belief in the Pagh, or life force, that can be sensed by the Monks through the ear. Many scientists have taken to not wearing an earring in a break from traditions, they have developed doubts in the Pagh belief even though its predictions are very accurate most of the time. Every Bajoran wearing an earring has a unique design that can link it to the person. Often a characteristic effect or insignia is carried down through the generations of a family


Comparable with UFED

Life Expectancy:

Similar to Terrans


Similar to Terrans


Similar to Terrans

Skin Color:

Varies, Similar to Terrans

Hair Color:

Varies, Similar to Terrans

Eye Color:

Varies, Similar to Terrans

Other Features:

They appear human except for a few ridges on the bridge of their nose

Birth Methods:

Like most placental humanoids, Bajorans give live birth. The standard Bajoran gestation period is approximately five months, and is usually marked by uncontrollable sneezing on the part of the mother. Compared to other humanoids, the fetus is often irremovable due to a high degree of vascularization in the placental/uterine interface. The birthing process is usually attended by the mother's immediate family, and is traditionally handled by a midwife, although medical assistance from a doctor is often allowed. The birthing focuses a great deal on the relaxation state of the mother. Shakers and chimes are often employed to help facilitate the mother's natural birthing rhythms. The actual delivery process tends to be euphoric and relatively painless due to high levels of endorphins in the mother, a particular Bajoran physiological quirk.


Bajorans are a deeply religious people and somewhat hardened by their experience with the Cardassians

The Bajorans have a two-part name but the personal, or 'given', name comes last. Given names are only used between friends and it is an honor for someone to say for you to use it

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