Home Planet:

Cardassia Prime, Cardassia

Class: M


Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide


Hot , poor in natural resources

Life Forms:




Family Structure:


On Cardassia, families of up to four generations often under one roof. Caring for parents, as well as children, is of great social and ethical importance


The Cardassians were once a peaceful and spiritual people. But because their planet was resource-poor, starvation and disease were rampant, and people died by the millions

With the rise of the military, new territories and technology were acquired by violence, at the cost of millions of lives sacrificed to the war effort. The military plays a significant role in Cardassian society, and there is compulsory military service for males.

Political Structure:

Military Government

While it is a major force in the Cardassian government, not much else is known about the military. We know military commanders, called Legates, appear to administrate military affairs.

The Obsidian Order is the Cardassian intelligence unit. For many years, they are known for their diligence and ruthlessness, and are the ears and eyes of the Cardassian Empire. It is said that a Cardassian citizen cannot sit down to a meal without each dish being duly noted and recorded by the Order. They claim to be more efficient than the Romulan Tal Shiar, who can't compete when it comes to intelligence gathering and covert operations


Comparable to UFED

Life Expectancy:

Comparable to Terrans


2 m


80 - 100 kg

Skin Color:

Light brown to beige

Hair Color:

Varies from light purple to a greenish hue, and nearly black.

Eye Color:


Other Features:

They have two thick vertical ridges at the top of their head, which continue down to the eye ridges. In the center of their forehead is the shape of an inverted droplet. The eyes are set deep into the face and ridges surround the eye sockets and the nose contains a distinct center line and the ears are similar to human but without lobes. The neck of the Cardassian has prominent "neck cords."

Birth Methods:

Similar to Humans


Cardassians are famous for their photographic memories. Children have been known to be placed into intensive mind-training programs as early as four years old. This mental training even provides enough discipline to enable some Cardassians to deflect a Vulcan mind-meld

Another trait of Cardassians is their attention to detail, which is almost obsessive. They have taught record-keeping to several planets, including Bajor when that world was under their domination


The Cardassians were once a peaceful and cultured people, but poverty and hunger have turned them into warlike predators

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