Home Planet:

Delta IV

Alpha Quadrant

Class M


Compared to Earth


Oxygen based

Life Forms:




Family Structure:

Deltans generally live in group/families

Political Structure:

Governed by one main leader selected by the people


Less than that of UFED

Life Expectancy:

Similar to Terrans


Similar to Terrans


Similar to Terrans

Skin Color:


Hair Color:

None, all Deltans are bald

Eye Color:


Other Features:

While bald they still have eyebrows

Birth Methods:

Deltans are highly developed sexually, so much so that it is said that a normal Terran would be unable to survive a sexual experience with a Deltan. All Deltans wishing to join the Federation on mixed crew ships must take an Oath of Celibacy. This is meant to prevent any unfortunate incidents while on board any Starship

Deltans also have a pheromone control system in their bodies which allows them to produce phenomenal chemicals naturally. It is assumed that this system is used during normal courtship rituals between Deltans, but they can also control other pheromones besides the erotic-enhancing ones. Among the phenomenal abilities of a trained Deltan is the ability to produce a phenomenal chemical which seems to reduce pain in most humanoid races. Deltans generally produce the pheromone associated with sexual arousal on a day-to-day basis.




They are also highly developed socially. Deltans tend to be open and gregarious by nature, and tend to be Sensualists

This can also account for their proclivity towards consensus and cooperation and being team players

They make excellent teachers, athletes, scientists, engineers, Counselors, Helm/Navigation officers, and system specialists. Due to their overall good nature, they will wish to avoid conflicts unless they see them in a constructive sense.

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