Home Planet:

Fereninar, Ferengi Homeworld

Class M





Life Forms:


Family Structure:


On the other hand, Ferengi females have a very different lot in life, sure, even to the point of pre-chewing food for husbands and sons


Ferenginar is home to the Ferengi people, legendary galactic traders. The culture is steeped in tradition, but, unlike the Klingons and their codes of honor, Ferengi traditions always point towards profit

Political Structure:

Ferengi culture is entirely based on capitalism. Social standings, military ranks, and political status are determined by wealth and the influence it can buy

The Grand Nagus, one of their most powerful leaders, is also identified as the Ferengi master of commerce. The Nagus has extreme power over Ferengi business, controlling the status of trade territories and other commercial opportunities.

The Nagus is often identified as the Ferengi master of commerce. He wields extreme power over Ferengi business, controlling the status of trade territories and other commercial opportunities. The first Grand Nagus was named Glint. He committed the first Rules of Acquisition to parchment and labeled it number 162, as a marketing ploy to increase the value of the first 161

Other leaders are in place because of their wealth rather than achievements, even the DaiMons, who are the equivalent to Starship captains


Similar to UFED

Life Expectancy:

Similar to Terrans


Ferengi are also quite short for a humanoid race, with an average height of an adult male being around 1.5 meters


Similar to Terrans based on their height

Skin Color:

Orange/bronze colored skin

Hair Color:

No visible body hair - until old age, when hair protrudes from their ears

Eye Color:


Other Features:

Extremely large ears, which probably resulted from their homeworld having a much thinner atmosphere than most Class M planets

Telepaths, such as Betazoids, have trouble mind-reading the four-lobed Ferengi brains

Teeth are pointed and irregular in shape

Birth Methods:

Similar to Terrans


The Ferengi live by a strict code of honor, though its ethics might be questionable from many other races' point of view. These guidelines are laid out in the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Its words are memorized by Ferengi children, who are expected to repeat them on command

The Rules of Acquisition consist of the 285 guiding principles that form the basis of Ferengi business philosophy - a philosophy that has enabled the Ferengi people to become the most successful entrepreneurs in the galaxy, Although they appear simple, Ferengi business scholars have been interpreting and debating the rules for thousands of years. Every Ferengi business transaction is governed by the Rules of Acquisition, to ensure a fair and honest deal for all parties concerned.

Life After Death:

Ferengi death rituals strictly prohibit autopsies. The Ferengi believe one of two things happen to them when they die. They hope to go to the Divine Treasury, which is made of pure latinum, where the Blessed Executor and Celestial Auctioneers let them bib on their new life. But if they die before turning a profit in their business, they go to the Vault of Eternal Destitution

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