Home Planet:


Also known as Klingon Homeworld

Class M

Primary Star:

Orange binary


85% Land /15% Water


Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide


Hot, Dry

Life Forms:

Primarily Humanoid

Important Features:

Homeworld of the Klingon world. The planet tilts severely on its axis, resulting in great seasonal changes.



Family Structure:


Klingons value their male offspring the son of a Klingon is a warrior the day he is able to hold a blade


The Klingon Empire was founded approximately 1,500 years ago by the revered warrior Kahless the Unforgettable. He finally unites the Klingon people after killing his evil tyrant brother Morath with the Klingon sword of honor, known as the bat'telh.

Political Structure:

Ruled by the High Council (24 members)

Governed by the Chancellor of the council who assumes authority through a complex Rite of Succession

Other Facts:

Klingons are a warrior people, originating on the planet Qo'noS. Proud, aggressive and with an almost religious regard for tradition and honor, Klingons have had a military orientation as far back as their historical records show, and their warlike attitude make them a power to be feared and respected on a Galactic scale

Klingons have a duty to try to kill their superiors

Have a deep sense of honor

Sacred to all Klingons is Kahless the Unforgettable - an inspiration to generations of Klingon warriors following his monumental fight against his own brother, Morath, with whom he battled for twelve days and twelve nights because Morath had dishonored their family by the telling of a lie.


Similar to UFED

Medical technology is lacking due to the fact that, in Klingon society, death in battles is the ultimate vindication of Klingon life, to be celebrated as the freeing of the warrior's spirit. Indeed, a wounded Klingon unable to face his enemies is expected to perform the ritual of Hegh'bat

Life Expectancy:

Average 150 years


Taller than Terrans can reach up to 7 feet


Extremely muscular and as a result weigh more than Terrans average 200 lbs

Skin Color:


Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Other Features:

Ridged forehead crown

Sharp incisors

Klingons cannot cry, even if they wanted to they have no tear ducts

Klingons have a genetic predisposition to combat

They are immensely strong, and are able to sustain serious injury yet remain functional, thanks to their unique biological structure, which incorporates duplication of all essential organs to allow for damage to vital bodily functions

Birth Methods:

Similar to Humans

Klingon DNA is compatible with that of Earth humans, and crossbreeds, although are rare, are not unknown. This is due to their common origin four billion years ago when a humanoid progenitor race seeded Class-M planets with their own DNA


Excellent fighters especially in hand to hand combat


Aggressive and warlike

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