Home Planet:


On the far edge of the Gamma Quadrant, close to the border between the Gamma and Delta quadrants. The Unity: 12 Member worlds, 2340 Colony worlds

Life Forms:

Humanoid 72%; Non-Humanoid 14%, Non-Corporeal 14% Religion- Tyui 51%; Helokamas 9%; Yuraqtara'tin 14%; Secular Monketian 14%.


Unified Monketian Lingo spoken by all citizens. Native languages are spoken at home. The common greeting used is "Be Unified"; the Yuraqi tend to favor "I extend my hoofs towards you"

Family Structure:


Political Structure:

The Tresser people are governed by Monketian Unity, a great society who has 2 goals of existence. 1. To procreate and 2. To prepare for the great battle of light against dark at the end of the galaxies life. The Unity is headed by a messiah and the Unity's name is changed accordingly when a new messiah is throned. Law dictates that no messiah be 'dethroned', that they will know themselves when the time has come for them to retire. It is believed the homeworld decides on the next leader, as all souls belong to it. The current messiah is named Monket, a great Nahashim warrior of 130 years. He leads the Unity, which is made up of 7 main races; 5 of which live on the homeworld

There is no set term for elections; Determined in a democratic manner, often the head will resign at the most appropriate time. The member races of the Unity are the Nahashim, the Tresser, the Craone, the Grillim (non-humanoid) and the Tyui. Off world are the Maruu and the Yuraqi (non-humanoids who look surprisingly like the horses of Earth).


The Nahashim brought the Unity into space some 2000 years ago. Their battle tactics are often hectic and disorganized, but are effective nonetheless. There are 4 classes of ships; Shu fighters, Che battle cruisers, Tara scout ships and Karama diplomatic shuttles. All (except the Karama) use cloaking systems and give no ID signals unless under the captain orders. Maximum warp: 25. Ships carry the name of their captain, e.g. Moses = CheMoses. Can be outfitted with WDS (wormhole detection systems), an extremely unstable system which automatically calculates and opens wormholes, to speed up a vessels journey. Monketian cloaking systems, however, do not work longer than 10 minutes at warp.

The Shu fighter class is built for extreme speed and carries only phaser weapons. It has a quarter moon design, with two laser turrets protruding from the side. They use cloaking systems, but never during battle, as it is considered dishonorable

The Che class is a behemoth vessel, made to serve as the command vessel of a Monketian fleet. It has all the usual systems, with WDS and cloaking systems. The ship has 5 shuttlebays, capable of holding 50 Shu fighters. It can reach warp 25, but it cannot sustain the speeds without tearing itself apart. It is rectangular shaped with a curved front, with 4 warp nacelles extending from the back. It uses cloak 90% of the time, which explains why the ship is little seen by other peoples.

The Tara scout ships are the reconnaissance vehicles of the Monketian Unity. They use cloak constantly, and only uncloak when docking. To ensure their invisible coat never comes off, they never warp above 15, except in extreme emergencies. Often, 1 Tara scout ship accompanies Shu squadrons (of 10) into battle, and observes the scene from afar.

The Karama shuttle class is made for diplomatic missions. They use little to none Monketian technology in their design. They are saucer shaped, and are usually escorted by a squadron of Shu fighters and a Tara ship (all cloaked)

Life Expectancy:

330 yrs male, 285 yrs female




130 lbs

Skin Color:

Pale pink

Hair/Fur Color:

Black or blond

Eye Color:


Other Features:

No facial hair. Claws on hands and feet.

Birth Methods:

Gestation period: 5 - 6 months (varies), internal fertilization, carried in womb.

5 children born/woman.


They have large leathery wings that extend from the back. They act as a second pair of arms when not folded or extended in flight. On the tip of each wing is a razor sharp talon, not normally used as a weapon.

Acute hearing, memory and voice. Due to these qualities, they successfully claim the award for greatest impressionists in the galaxy.

An extremely bad sense of sight, which explains why there are no painters in Tresser society

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