Home Planet:




Upon one visit it was describe as a 'truck stop' in the middle of a desert, on another occasion as an Atlanta Plantation





Life Forms:



Communication in natural state is unknown

Family Structure:



UFED first became aware of the Q Continuum on the inaugural mission of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D to Farpoint Station in 2362

A strange man appears on the bridge and hijacks the Enterprise's captain, Jean-Luc Picard, and several other crew members. An irascible fellow, he claims to be part of an all-knowing super-race known as The Q that live in an extra-dimensional domain. Not terribly creative with names, he calls himself Q as well.
However powerful, Q's extradimensional abilities are flawed by an immature sense of play and curiosity. At Farpoint, Q considers humanity too barbarous to expand any further, and he sentences the crew of the Enterprise to death. Luckily, Captain Picard manages to prove humanity's worth in a Q-projected court. But Q promises that the case has not been settled.

The biggest threat that Q imposes upon the Federation is hurling the Enterprise some 7,000 light years into a first encounter with the dangerous Borg in System J-25. Proving his own childishness, this action was in retaliation for Picard's refusal to allow him to join as a crew member.

During the homeward journey of the USS Voyager, the crew encounter another member of the Q Continuum. This Q has only one request - that he be allowed to commit suicide. The original Q is quick to appear and chastise his fellow immortal for being unrealistic. The suicidal Q requests asylum, and Captain Janeway orders a special hearing to be held.

During the proceedings, the suicidal Q takes Janeway to a facsimile of the Continuum, a mock-up for human sensibilities. It appears as a truck stop on a lonely desert highway where nothing ever happens. The members of the Continuum there look bored almost to death

The suicidal Q claims that his death will spark new growth opportunities for the Continuum, and even our Q admits that boredom is a side-effect of omnipotence. Janeway rules in favor of the suicidal Q, but with great reservations - and awaits the next meeting with the Q.

The Q has bee very quiet over the last few decades

Political Structure:

Governed by a Central Body


Well advanced UFED

Life Expectancy:


Presumed immortal


Can assume any form


Can assume any form

Skin Color:

Can assume any form

Hair Color:

Can assume any form

Eye Color:

Can assume any form

Birth Methods:

Unknown although a child has been born into the continuum


The Q are perhaps the most powerful beings ever encountered

Their power seems to be limitless


Stubborn and believe themselves superior to other races although at times they have sought humanoids out for guidance

Childlike at times

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