Home Planet:

Romulus and Remus

Class: M


Romulus has a lower oxygen content and a somewhat higher gravity


Thin, but capable of supporting life


Hot and arid

Life Forms:

Primarily Humanoid, mammalian

Important Features:

Twin Planet Homeworld



Family Structure:



The philosopher Surak is looked upon as the father of modern Vulcan civilization. By preaching the twin ethics of peace and logic more than 2,000 years ago, he was instrumental in converting Vulcans from an emotional race plagued by infighting into a peaceful society that valued pure logic as its ultimate principle. This period of Vulcan history is known as the Time of Awakening.

Around this time, a group of Vulcans left their planet and eventually founded the Romulan Star Empire. The exact date of the Romulan departure is unknown. Many people believe that the founders of the Romulan Empire left Vulcan because they disagreed with Surak's teachings, but ruins of an offshoot of the Romulan Empire, the Debrune, place the Vulcan/Romulan schism more than 2,000 years in Vulcan's past, suggesting that the Romulans left before the Time of Awakening

But unlike the logic-dominated and pacifist Vulcans, Romulans have remained a very passionate and aggressive people. They continually seek to expand their share of space by whatever means necessary

Political Structure:

Warlike race based on conquest

Fallen worlds are ruled with an iron fist, with local governments under the absolute control of Romulan overseers

Tal Shiar - the much-feared intelligence wing of the Empire


Comparable to UFED

Life Expectancy:

Approximately 1/3 the rate of humans


Males average 2 meters in height and females 1.7 meters


Males average 70 kilos in weight and females 50 kilos

Skin Color:

Romulans are more specialized and homogenous than Terrans. The Romulans never developed separate physical or "racial" types because Romulus' climate and living conditions are more homogenous than Earth's. The comment that "all Romulans look alike to me" has some basis in fact.

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Very similar to the human eye except for its range of color differentiation for high frequency waves (the ultra-violet range) which is less acute, while night vision (low frequency waves in the infra-red) is more acute

Other Features:

Rather elf-like appearance

Long slanted eyebrows

Delicately pointed ears

Possess a second eyelid

Birth Methods:

Similar to Humans

Romulan DNA is compatible with that of Earth humans, and crossbreeds are known but rare. This is due to their common origin four billion years ago when a humanoid progenitor race seeded Class-M planets with their own DNA


Extremely warlike and fierce

And while the Romulans possess strong emotions, they seem to be utterly devoid of any empathy for those they subjugate. But for all these excesses, Romulans are still considered to be a highly honorable people

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