Home Planet:


Also known as Vulcanis

Class: M



Sister planet, comes close to Vulcan every seven years, closest point in cycle is every 300 years. Vulcan name - T'Rukh (name changes according to the time of the Vulcan year) English name - Charis AKA The Watcher Provides 40 times light of full Earth moon T'Rukh has one moon, T'Rukhemai (Eye of The Watcher)


Vulcan has a lower oxygen content, somewhat higher gravity, and higher surface temperature compared to Earth


Thin, but capable of supporting life


Hot and arid

Life Forms:

Primarily Humanoid, mammalian

Important Features:

High Gravity.


Vulcan (AKA Vulcanese)

Family Structure:

Clan like, extremely extended families. Eldest female is revered and leads most ceremonies.

The Vulcan marriage ceremony is called koon-ut-kal-if-fee

During pon farr, the normally stoic Vulcans experiences complete emotional abandon. Traditionally Vulcans have their mates chosen for them by their parents when they are still children, at about seven years of age, however this practice is slowly dying out and Vulcans are beginning to choose their own mates.

Once every seven years of adult life, the normally stoic Vulcans experiences complete emotional abandon. This is because they go through pon farr, the part of the male Vulcan life cycle, when he must return home and seek a mate.

During this time the male experiences a mating drive know as plak-tow (or blood fever). All logic flees, and the subject is left only with the strongest urge to mate.


For many years, Vulcans were fierce and violent and many of their disputes were bloody and savage affairs.

The philosopher Surak is looked upon as the father of modern Vulcan civilization. By preaching the twin ethics of peace and logic more than 2,000 years ago, he was instrumental in converting Vulcans from an emotional race plagued by infighting into a peaceful society that valued pure logic as its ultimate principle. This period of Vulcan history is known as the Time of Awakening. Vulcan cult called adepts of T'Pel, preached the opposite of Surak's beliefs. Where he told the world what would happen if they did not turn to logic, the adepts showed them. The adepts still function today as a part of Romulan society (although even there the cult is now dying out) Around this time, a large group of Vulcans left their planet and eventually founded the Romulan Star Empire. The exact date of the Romulan departure is unknown. Many people believe that the founders of the Romulan Empire left Vulcan because they disagreed with Surak's teachings, but ruins of an offshoot of the Romulan Empire, the Debrune, place the Vulcan/Romulan schism more than 2,000 years in Vulcan's past, suggesting that the Romulans left before the Time of Awakening. Vulcans were the first species to contact humans after Zephram Cochrane discovered warp drive


Deeply religious race governed by a religious leader.


Comparable to UFED

Life Expectancy:

Approx. 210 years


Males average 2 meters in height and females 1.7 meters


Males average 70 kilos in weight and females 50 kilos

Skin Color:

Similar to Terrans

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Very similar to the human eye except for its range of color differentiation for high frequency waves (the ultra-violet range) which is less acute, while night vision (low frequency waves in the infra-red) is more acute

Other Features:

Rather elf-like appearance

Long slanted eyebrows

Delicately pointed ears

Possess a second eyelid to protect themselves from the powerful light of the Vulcan sun.

Some say Vulcans do not have emotions. This is a misconception based on the mistranslation of a word.

Vulcans in fact, keep excellent control over their emotions.

Birth Methods:

Similar to Humans

Vulcan DNA is compatible with that of Earth humans, and crossbreeds are known (with minor genetic engineering). This is due to their common origin four billion years ago when a humanoid progenitor race seeded Class-M planets with their own DNA


Most Vulcans are touch telepaths and can join minds with most other species. Some powerful Vulcans do not require contact although proximity is necessary, and contact helps.

Because Vulcan also possess a higher gravity and thinner atmosphere than Earth, Vulcans, in comparison to humans, tend to exhibit greater strength.

Far more acute sense of hearing in similar surroundings The Vulcan heart, while similar to that of a human, is located where a human's liver would be - and even if the heart is damaged, the Vulcans have a unique way of repairing injuries to the body. Through a form of self-hypnosis they can focus their blood, strength and antibodies towards the damaged organs Sixth sense - Vulcans can 'see' electromagnetic waves. Seventh sense - Sense of oneness with the universe.


Vulcans are relentlessly logical, honest, and loyal, though the traits of individuals vary, of course

Vulcans will not lie unless there is a logical reason for it (other then personal gain) They claim not to have a sense of humor, though some have been observed using sarcasm.

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