Home Planet:

Founder's Planet, The Great Link

Class M

Location Unknown


Much of the surface is covered by the Great Link, a 'lake' composed of Founders in liquid form


Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide


Dark, humid

Life Forms:

Shapeshifters able to take on many forms from the organic to the unorganic

Family Structure:


Believed to co-exist in a merge state known as the Great Link 


Very little is known about the past history of the Dominion. Even its exact age is uncertain. Once of the Founders has said that her people began "many years ago" to impose order on their chaotic surroundings with the Gamma Quadrant. More recent information suggests the Changelings, after centuries of persecution with the Gamma Quadrant, retreated to a planet within the Omarion Nebula

About 2,000 years ago, the Changelings, who seem to view chaos as a personal threat, begin to reach out into the Quadrant and build the Dominion as a way to create order out of disorder. In the process, they become known as the Founders

Political Structure:

The Dominion is ruled by shapeshifting 'Changelings' known as the Founders, managed and administered by the Vorta, a telekinetic humanoid race, and defended by genetically-engineered soldiers, the Jem'Hadar


Similar to UFED, at times superior

Life Expectancy:

300 years


Varies depending on form they assume 


Varies depending on form they assume 

Skin Color:

Varies depending on form they assume 

Hair Color:

Varies depending on form they assume 

Eye Color:

Varies depending on form they assume 

Other Features:

Natural state is a form of orange protoplasm

Birth Methods:



Can assume any shape at will 


Founders, they believe themselves superior to every other race

Very paranoid culture, centering the efforts of their lives to create order in the universe. The cost of this order is irrelevant, whether it is a person's life or the life of a whole race, order must be maintained

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