Home Planet:

Jh'Niv Located in the Tel Cynar Sector

Class M

Tel Cynar Sector


Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide

Life Forms:


Family Structure:

Little information is known

They are genetically manufactured and matured within days to adult form with no females there is no set family structure


Very little is known about the past history of the Dominion. Even its exact age is uncertain. Once of the Founders has said that her people began "many years ago" to impose order on their chaotic surroundings with the Gamma Quadrant. More recent information suggests the Changelings, after centuries of persecution with the Gamma Quadrant, retreated to a planet within the Omarion Nebula. About 2,000 years ago, the Changelings, who seem to view chaos as a personal threat, begin to reach out into the Quadrant and build the Dominion as a way to create order out of disorder. In the process, they become known as the Founders

The Founders genetically engineer a breed of totally loyal soldier, the Jem'Hadar, in order to create an army to serve them without question. The Jem'Hadar are dependent on a drug called Ketrecel white (or just 'white') and look upon the Founders as gods.

However, while the Jem'Hadar think themselves inferior to the Founders, they believe themselves superior to every other race

Political Structure:

The Dominion is a mighty planetary alliance and trading consortium in the Gamma Quadrant governed by a species called the Founders

The Dominion is ruled by shape shifting 'Changelings' known as the Founders, managed and administered by the Vorta, a telekinetic humanoid race, and defended by genetically-engineered soldiers, the Jem'Hadar

They seem somewhat arrogant, they have an instinctive respect for Changelings they see them as "gods", tolerate the leadership of the Vorta, and think that all other races are inferior to themselves. . To avoid unwanted incidents with other Dominion Citizens, the Jem'Hadar are ordered to never attack a member of the Dominion, unless specifically ordered to


Comparable to UFED

Life Expectancy:

Short lived, at twenty, they are considered honored elders.


2 meters


100 kg

Skin Color:

Green with bony protuberances on face

Hair Color:

Black, born with a full head of hair, which recedes quickly as they age

Eye Color:


Other Features:

Jem'Hadar have bony protuberances from the face

Birth Methods:

No female Jem'Hadar

Jem'Hadar are genetically engineered and born birthing tubes

Jem'Hadar babies grow very fast, to an adult in a matter of days. They can speak as soon as they are a few days old, (this ability is genetically implanted.)


The Jem'Hadar are missing a key hypogenic enzyme called "Ketrecel White" and without the providing of large quantities of it, their circulatory system will shutdown

Equipped with personal cloaking devices

Capable of moving through Federation level 3 containment fields

Excellent eye sight

Don't need to eat or sleep


Very aggressive instincts with a natural urge to fight

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