Home Planet:


Class M


Varies depending on planet


Varies depending on planet


Varies depending on planet

Life Forms:

Many lifeforms


Varies depending on races

Family Structure:

Mostly Patriarchal


Taking their name from the 20th Century Earth French Resistance cell that was created during the World War II, the Maquis is made up of Federation colonists and ex-Starfleet personnel who disagree with the terms of the peace treaty agreed between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union.
Although the Maquis are formed only after the ramifications of this peace treaty become clear, the roots of their hatred for the Cardassians are deep.

The Cardassian Union has been involved in territory disputes with the Federation dating back to the 2350s. Finally, in 2370, an uneasy truce between the two sides was reached.

The historic treaty between the Cardassian Empire is signed. This treaty redraws the border, creating the Demilitarized Zone between the two territories. This means a number of Federation colonies within this Zone will have to be evacuated or accept Cardassian rule.

Starfleet vows to respond to any significant aggression on the part of the Cardassian Empire, but doesn't acknowledge the misconduct of Cardassian terrorists within the DMZ. Many colonists feel the Federation has turned its back on them, and refuse to comply. Captain Picard and the Enterprise are drawn into this quagmire when, on Stardate 47751.2, they are ordered to evacuate a colony of Native Americans on Dorvan V. The colonists refuse to leave their homes, and Picard has no choice but to allow them to remain - as citizens of the Cardassian Empire.

Although the peace treaty 'officially' ends all hostilities, Cardassian aggression and harassment of Federation outposts continue throughout the DMZ.

With the Dominion war ending and the Dominion retreating to their own space Cardassia was left in ruins. Seeing this as a victory the Maquis have been quiet over the last few decades. However should Cardassia return to it's once former strength and agendas no doubt the Maquis will resurface once more.

Political Structure:

Varies normally governed by a selected leader or governing body depending on the cell


Comparable with UFED

Life Expectancy:

Varies depending on race


Varies depending on race


Varies depending on race

Skin Color:

Varies depending on race

Hair Color:

Varies depending on race

Eye Color:

Varies depending on race

Other Features:

Varies depending on race

Birth Methids:

Varies depending on race


Varies depending on race



Goal is to protect former federation colonies from Cardassian aggression

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