General Protocols:

1) All personnel must make every effort to maintain, repair, and improve all pieces of technology on the ship.

2) No personnel will ever knowingly or willfully cause damage to or destroy and piece of technology on the ship.

3) All personnel are to follow all rules and orders as laid down by Starfleet, the United Federation of Planets, and their superior officers.

4) The chain of command in engineering is as listed in the departmental manifest.

5) All potentially dangerous procedures must be cleared by the chief engineering officer, unless the ship is in imminent danger, in which case they must be cleared by the senior duty engineering officer.

The engineering defense system (subprograms EE1, EE2, EE3) may be initiated by the commanding officer, executive officer, chief security officer, or senior duty engineering officer if a threat force is believed to be in main engineering.

Cruise Mode - Condition Green:

1) This condition can be initiated by the commanding officer or executive officer on determination that there is no clear and present danger to the vessel or other unusual circumstances. This is the normal operating condition of the ship.

2) Level 4 diagnostics are to be performed on all systems at four-hour intervals, with any unusual results being reported to the senior engineering duty officer.

At least one major power system must remain active at all times, with one other to be maintained at standby.

Special Circumstance - Condition Blue:

1) This condition can be initiated by the commanding officer or executive officer on determination that there are circumstances which require increased crew readiness, but are not considered alerts.

2) All off-duty engineering personnel are brought to standby.

3) All on-duty personnel should immediately report to the senior duty engineering officer for special instructions.

4) Level 4 diagnostics are to be performed on all systems on the initiation of the condition and at one-hour intervals, with any unusual results being reported to the senior engineering duty officer.

5) At least one major power system must remain active at all times, with one other to be maintained at standby.

A communications channel is to be established with the bridge so that all engineering personnel may be informed of the nature of the situation.

Alert - Condition Yellow:

1) This condition may be initiated by the commanding officer, executive officer, chief operations officer, chief engineering officer, or chief tactical officer, or automatically by the computer, on detection of a threat which does not immediately or seriously compromise the safety of the ship.

2) All off-duty engineering personnel are brought to standby.

3) The chief engineering officer is to report directly to either main engineering or the bridge engineering station.

4) Level 4 diagnostics are to be performed on all systems on the initiation of the condition and at fifteen-minute intervals, with any unusual results being reported to the senior engineering duty officer. A level 5 diagnostic is to be performed on the autonomous survival and recovery vehicle systems on the initiation of the condition.

5) Warp power is to be brought to fully operational and maintain a minimum 25% power output.

6) Two major power systems must remain active at all times, with at least one other to be maintained at standby.

A communications channel is to be opened and maintained with the bridge so that all engineering personnel may be informed of the nature of the situation.

Alert - Condition Red:

1) This condition may be initiated by the commanding officer, executive officer, chief operations officer, chief engineering officer, or chief tactical officer, or automatically by the computer, on detection of a threat which immediately or seriously compromises the safety of the ship.

2) All off-duty personnel are brought to active status and assigned to damage control teams.

3) The chief engineering officer is to report directly to either main engineering or the bridge engineering station.

4) Level 4 diagnostics are to be performed on all systems on the initiation of the condition and at five-minute intervals, with any unusual results being reported to the senior engineering duty officer. A level 5 diagnostic is to be performed on the autonomous survival and recovery vehicle systems on the initiation of the condition.

5) Warp power is to be brought to fully operational and maintain a minimum 75% power output.

6) Two major power systems must remain active at all times, with all others to be maintained at standby.

7) Core ejection initiator servos are brought online.

Isolation doors are to be closed and forcefields erected between sections to contain the effects of certain emergencies such as fire or decompression

Imminent Core Breach - Condition White:

1) This condition can be initiated by any engineering personnel, or automatically by the computer, upon detection of a possible warp core breach.

2) All work not related to the warp core is to be immediately ceased.

3) All personnel are to dedicate themselves to stopping the breach. If that is impossible, personnel should make every effort to minimize its effects.

4) Red alert will be sounded throughout the ship, and the senior duty engineering officer will keep an open channel to the bridge and communicate the nature and prognosis of the alert to the bridge commanding officer.

5) Main engineering will be sealed off from the rest of the ship by isolation doors and forcefields for the duration of the breach condition.

All condition red protocols are in effect, unless superseded by those listed here.

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