Red Alert:

Can be initiated by the CO, XO, or the senior bridge or engineering officer on duty. Upon initiation, shield are raised to maximum, SIF is raised to maximum, standby generators are brought on-line, phaser cannons are charged, torpedo tubes are loaded with full salvos and armed. Red alert is indicated by red strobes or lights in all compartments, 5 second klaxon siren and audible notification. All crew report to either their duty station or damage control location immediately.

Yellow Alert:

Can be initiated by the CO, XO, or the senior bridge or engineering officer on duty. Upon initiation, standby generators are brought on-line, phaser cannons are charged, and torpedo launchers are loaded with full salvos. The tactical officer on duty may also raise shields if they notify the senior bridge officer. Yellow alert is indicated by yellow strobes or lights in all compartments, 3 second klaxon siren and audible notification. All active team crew members immediately report to their duty stations. Non-active team crew are to ready themselves (wake/dress) and standby for orders.

Condition Blue:

Can be initiated by any senior officer or bridge officer on duty. upon initiation, all systems are brought to standby. Blue condition is indicated blue lights and an audible notification. All active team crew report to their duty stations.

Condition Black: "Silent Running" Can be initiated by the CO, XO, or the Senior bridge officer on duty. Upon initiation the Cloaking device is initiated and power reduction and ship emissions are reduced to a minimum. Any external emissions (communications, waste expelling, etc) can only be authorized by the CO, XO, COO and all emissions are logged and reported to the CO. The only exceptions to this are some engineering functions during an engineering emergency (warp core ejection, plasma venting, etc.).

Condition Green:

Is the normal condition of the ship. Standing down to condition green can be initiated by the CO or XO. All systems are returned to normal mode upon initiation. Condition green is indicated by secession of the colored lights and an audible notification..

Auto Destruct:

To initiate the self destruction sequence, computer verification of the CO and XO of the ship must both authorize initiation of the sequence. If the CO is confirmed by the computer to be unavailable, four of the remaining senior staff must authorize the sequence in addition to the XO. If the XO is confirmed to be unavailable, two of the senior staff must authorize the sequence in addition to the CO.

Auto Destruct Omega:

The Omega self destruct sequence is similar to the above sequence with the exception that this sequence initiates a chemical release onto the anti-deuterium tanks that is irreversible and results in tank breaches in 10 minutes.

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