
Heavy Cruiser


2363 - present



464.4 m


316.7 m


87.4 m




3,055,000 tons




3 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 16,000 TeraWatts

15 x Pulse fire Photon torpedo tubes + 3000 torpedoes

Defense Systems:

Shield system, total capacity 931,500 TeraJoules

Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 10 cm high density armour

Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds:

Normal Cruise: Warp 6

(TNG Scale)

Maximum Cruise: Warp 9.3

Maximum Rated: Warp 9.8 for twelve hours

Strength Indices:

Beam Firepower: 320

(Galaxy Class = 1000)

Torpedo Firepower: 3,750

Weapon Range & Accuracy: 880

Shield Strength: 345

Hull Armor: 640

Speed: 1 280

Combat Maneurability: 5000

Overall Strength Index: 1430

Diplomatic Capability:

Grade 3

Expected Hull Life:

80 years

Refit Cycle:

Minor: 1 year

Standard: 5 years

Major: 20 years

Added Features:

The Akira Class is one of the very few Starfleet vessels which is heavily biased toward the combat role. The ships carry an extremely heavy torpedo armament of no less than 15 photon torpedo tubes. Seven of these are mounted in the large roll bar pod, all facing forwards; the remaining eight are located in the saucer section, two of which face directly out to port and starboard - an unusual feature in a Starfleet vessel

Another unusual feature of the Akira class is the hangar bay arrangements. There are two large shuttle bays in the saucer section, one at the forward edge of the saucer section and one at the rear. These are linked together through the centre of the ship, allowing large numbers of launch and landing operations to be handled simultaneously. During peacetime this allows the Akira to evacuate large numbers of small survey craft, or ferry evacuees on board at a high rate. During the Dominion war the ships often serve as fighter carriers; in this role they can carry up to one hundred attack fighters, although a load of thirty six fighters and a dozen utility craft is more usual

The Akira Class entered service in 2363, and a rapid production run put nearly a hundred others into the fleet over the next twelve years. Most were assigned to units on the outer Federation territories, performing patrol and presence missions as well as the normal mapping and exploration duties which any Starfleet vessel is expected to handle

The Akiras had been due to cease production in 2373, but with the disastrous contact with the Dominion Starfleet decided to continue production at an increased rate. When the Dominion war began, production of the Akira was boosted to eighteen per year as the Federation converted its economy to a war footing. The Akiras have now become a common sight on the front lines, participating in most of the major battles

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