
Medical supply / hospital ship


2366 - present



239 m


90 m


96 m




650,000 tons


160 standard crew, plus up to 200 medical personnel and 1,000 patients



Defense Systems:

Shield system, total capacity 337,500 TeraJoules

Standard Duranium/Tritanium single hull

Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds:

Normal Cruise: Warp 6

(TNG Scale)

Maximum Cruise: Warp 8

Maximum Rated: Warp 9 for twelve hours

Strength Indices:

Beam Firepower: 0

(Galaxy Class = 1000)

Torpedo Firepower: 0

Weapon Range & Accuracy: 0

Shield Strength: 125

Hull Armor: 50

Speed: 750

Combat Maneuverability: 3300

Overall Strength Index: 95

Diplomatic Capability:

Grade 3

Expected Hull Life:

100 years

Refit Cycle:

Minor: 1 year

Standard: 5 years

Major: 25 years

Added Features:

The Olympic class stems from a Starfleet requirement issued in 2360 for a new class of medical vessel to replace the aging Nightingale class. The new ship was to improve on the Nightingales in every respect; it would incorporate a complete Starbase level mobile hospital capable of catering for up to 1,000 patients, compared to the Nightingales 560. The warp and impulse drives, computer systems, etc. where also to be up to the latest standards

Starfleet chose the Olympic from several proposals in 2363, and construction began on the first of the class in the same year. The ship was launched in November of 2365, and completed its shakedown successfully in 2366. Series production began at once, and sixteen ships have now joined the fleet. The Olympic has proved very successful in service, and is highly popular with its crews. Their early careers where relatively uneventful, although the USS Olympic herself rescued several hundred survivors from the immediate aftermath of the battle against the Borg at Wolf 359. With the Dominion war the Olympics have seen a great deal of active service, and have been responsible for saving many hundreds of lives

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