
Class 1 Destroyer


2245 - 2260



242.5 m


127.1 m


60 m




95,000 tons




6 x Type VI phaser bank, total output 2,500 TeraWatts

2 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes + 30 torpedoes

Defense Systems:

Shield system, total capacity 81,000 TeraJoules

Standard Monotanium single hull

Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds:

Normal Cruise: Warp 5

(TNG Scale)

Maximum Cruise: Warp 6

Maximum Rated: Warp 8

Strength Indices:

Beam Firepower: 50

(Galaxy Class = 1000)

Torpedo Firepower: 125

Weapon Range & Accuracy: 80

Shield Strength: 30

Hull Armor: 5

Speed: 225

Combat Maneuverability: 8700

Overall Strength Index: 100

Diplomatic Capability:

Grade 3

Expected Hull Life:

60 years

Refit Cycle:

Minor: 1 year

Standard: 5 years

Major: 20 years

Added Features:

The Saladin class was introduced as a destroyer counterpart to the Constitution class heavy cruisers entering service in the mid 2340's. Externally their relationship to their larger cousins is obvious; both the saucer section and nacelle are identical to that of the Constitution, although the configuration could hardly be more different. The Saladin is one of the relatively few Starfleet designs to employ a single nacelle configuration, it being considered that ease of construction outweighed the warp field efficiency penalties inherent in this layout

Like the Constitutions the armament of the Saladin was initially composed of laser cannon, but these were replaced in the 2260's with phasers and photon torpedoes. When the duotronic computer was invented by Dr Daystrom in 2243 Starfleet had wanted to incorporate this technology, but in the event it was decided that the new computers were not yet sufficiently tested for Starfleet use, and the first batch of twenty vessels were launched with monotronic systems. Once Starfleet had tested out the Duotronic technology in the Constitution class it was adopted for all further ships, and the first Saladins were equipped with the system in their first round of Standard level refits beginning in 2250

The Saladins proved to be popular and reliable designs, although some problems were experienced with warp field geometry due to Starfleet's relative inexperience with single nacelled vessels. In the 2270's some thought was given to refitting these vessels alongside the Constitutions, but in the event it was decided to produce the Polaris class as new build vessels instead. The Saladins began to take a back seat after 2280 as the Polaris class became available in larger numbers; the first ships began retirement in 2305, but later ships of the class continued in service as late as 2320

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