
Modular cargo carrier


2287 - 2312



261.5 m


185 m


100 m




800,000 tons





Defense Systems:

Shield system, total capacity 675,000 TeraJoules

Standard Duranium double hull

Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds:

Normal Cruise: Warp 6

(TNG Scale)

Maximum Cruise: Warp 8

Maximum Rated: Warp 8.2 for twelve hours

Strength Indices:

Beam Firepower: 0

(Galaxy Class = 1000)

Torpedo Firepower: 0

Weapon Range & Accuracy: 0

Shield Strength: 250

Hull Armor: 20

Speed: 510

Combat Maneuverability: 2100

Overall Strength Index: 100

Diplomatic Capability:

Grade 1

Expected Hull Life:

100 years

Refit Cycle:

Minor: 2 years

Standard: 6 years

Major: 18 years

Added Features:

The Shelley was originally designed in the 2280's as a transwarp-capable cargo carrier which would replace virtually every large cargo vessel then in service. The ship was developed in parallel with the Excelsior class, and was essentially a heavily modified version of that vessel. The saucer section gutted of all science and diplomatic facilities, most of the crew quarters and the weapons systems. The space freed up was used to install the new transwarp power core and supporting machinery, with a pair of nacelles attached directly to the saucer outboard to port and starboard. The neck section was also retained, but the engineering hull was removed entirely from the basic design to be replaced by any one of several types of modular cargo carriers which were designed

The Shelley would be by far the fastest support craft ever fielded, giving Starfleet great power and flexibility in its ability to deploy large cargo within and beyond its own borders. Unfortunately, the transwarp drive which was the heart of the Excelsior/Shelley project proved to be a costly failure which never succeeded in making a successful flight

Although these ships would never reach the heights of flight performance which had originally been hoped for, as with their Excelsior cousins the Shelley still had an excellent space frame and basic systems, and proved to be a great success in service. The ships rapidly became a common sight and have continued in service ever since, toting an incredible variety of hardware around known space

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