
Heavy Shuttlepod


2371 - present



4.5 m


3.1 m


1.8 m






1 - 4


2 x Type III Phaser emitters, total Phaser output 3 TeraWatts

Defense Systems:

Light Duranium/Tritanium single hull

Warp Speeds:

(TNG Scale)

Impulse propulsion only

Strength Indices:

Beam Firepower : 0.05

Torpedo Firepower : -

Weapon Range and Accuracy : 20

Shield Strength : -

Hull Armor : 6.25

Speed : 0.01

Combat Maneuverability : 84,000

Overall Strength Index: 46

Diplomatic Capability:

Grade 1

Expected Hull Life:

20 years

Refit Cycle:

Minor : 1 year

Standard : 5 years

Major : None

Added Features:

The Type 18 is now replacing the Type 15 as the standard UFED shuttlepod. The Type 18 is a larger design than the Type 15, so much so that it can almost be classed as a light shuttle. Significantly, the impulse engines are mounted in pods on the exterior rather than being contained within the hull; this gives considerably more free internal space to the crew, and where the Type 15 can only take 2 crew the Type 18 can take up to 6. The extra space enables the Type 18 to undertake missions of somewhat greater length, with a normal maximum mission duration of 20 hours

The Type 18 is also considerably more heavily armed than its predecessor; there are two type III phaser weapons mounted in a small turret on the dorsal hull plate, giving a total of four times the firepower of the Type 15's single emitter. However, neither craft is a serious combat platform since they both lack shielding

The Type 18 is expected to remain in production for the duration of the Dominion war at least, and possibly for some considerable time afterwards

Home Crew Intel Office Aliens Ships Technology Protocols General Orders Directives