
With the threat from the Dominion increasing, the Federation has developed many strategies, devices, and safeguards against the Changelings. Many of these are aimed at revealing shapeshifter imposters rather than causing harm to the individuals involved.

Some Changeling counter-measures have been developed from scratch, while others have been modified from existing Federation technology. One Changeling defense that fits the latter description is the modified polaron emitter prototype X-47. Polaron emitters are spherical devices, approximately the size of a baseball and constructed from a brass-colored metal. The devices are used, as their name suggests, to emit polaron radiation in controlled bursts.

Each emitter comprises two hemispheres that separate completely to reveal the inner workings of the device. Starfleet scientists have discovered that exposure to polaron radiation has a destabilizing effect on Changeling physiology; it forces a Changeling to return to its natural gelatinous state. However, prolonged or repeated exposure to the radiation is fatal to humans, Changelings, and most other known forms of life.

The modified polaron emitters are used in groups of four. Each emitter sends out a beam that, along with three others, forms the perimeter of the area to be flooded with polaron radiation. Any Changeling caught within this field will be forced to return to its gelatinous state, but will remain otherwise unharmed. Four emitters can create a radiation field covering 1200 cubic meters, meaning that the devices must be placed in fairly close proximity to the suspected Changeling before activation. All four emitters must be operated simultaneously; this is achieved with a remote control unit. The emitters are carried in two halves that are snapped together shortly after they are to be used. The device is primed when still separated. When the suspected Changeling is in a suitable position, they are activated by the remote sensor and the result is instantaneous.

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