
Turbolift cars and the interconnecting shafts they use on Federation starships represent the most evolution of a longtime UFED mainstay, providing convenient and efficient travel around starships, and between starships and space stations.

As starships have grown larger and more complex over the two centuries, one of the most vital and yet taken-for-granted factors allowing them to do so has been the development of a safe and dependable internal ship turbolift system. The mighty Galaxy-class starships would not be nearly so efficient if not for the handy turbolift routes throughout the ship, which are organized chiefly along two parallel main vertical shafts. These in turn link the horizontal grids on each deck - including redundant lines on Deck 8, 10, 25 and 31, to pick up additional loop routes on the larger decks and shallower sections. Also, a single emergency shaft connects the Main Bridge on Deck 1 to the Battle Bridge on Deck 8


Materially, each hive-like car includes a cab of microformed duranium sheeting, fashioned over a lightweight duranium-composite frame. Electromagnetic conduits along the lengths of each turbo shaft propel the three linear induction motors mounted in a car's exterior frame, allowing cars to achieve accelerations of nearly 10 meters per second squared. Such an effect is buffeted by inertial dampers, via a grid installed in each car's base.

Each car also features audio inputs, which can accept vocal commands for any destination, along with other commands such as 'hold' and 'resume'. In addition, the command 'emergency close' will seal the lift doors within a second. The audio system also includes a security voiceprint system to screen for authorized users, and those failing scrutiny will find their car shuttled to a secure area for detaining.

Exterior doors are normally configured to sense a waiting body and open automatically when needed, although doors can be set for manual opening only.

A car's interior decor is chosen to reflect a pleasing sensory environment, often in muted pastel hues and soft lighting. The illumination module disk in the ceiling of each car doubles as an emergency exit.

Opposite knobs on its inner rim can be pulled out to release the flat plat with a kick of air, allowing access to the shafts - which feature ladders in the case of the vertical tubes. Cars also feature opaque 'windows' to prevent the feeling of being too boxed in, although there is nothing to see outside the car, except the passing shaft lights.

Voice Operated:

The voice activation command system is ordinarily all that is required by authorized users. However, each car carries an access panel some two feet square, about three feet above the deck, which allows access to power conduits and consoles that remain lighted even when external power is off. To the right side of this arrangement, access to opti-cable is through a panel covering the bottom third of the right-hand console. Just above, release of the cable cover is gained by one tap to a yellow pad, located two down and two from the right in the eight-space array, followed by two taps to the pad two positions below

Number of Cars:

There are normally 10 cars in service, but the number can be doubled during alert situations. In addition, the upper end of Turboshaft 2, at the aft end of the topside Main Bridge, can connect directly to mating points at Starbases during docked layovers, allowing through turbolift car movement to and from the ship directly into the shafts at the Starbase.

Smooth Running:

A central network computer figures optimal routes and car availability at any instant, whether in alert or normal status, minimizing waiting time. Changes in car status and priority during alert status can be totally reconfigured or scheduled from the Bridge. However, it has been possible for turbolift override commands from the Main Bridge to be overruled from a halted car's control panel, depending upon the rider/user's knowledge.

The turbolifts, therefore, provide an excellent and highly efficient mode of transport both around ships and between ships and Starbases. They thus provide an enormous saving of both time and effort for the UFED personnel who use them.

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